Management Associates
Soft-skills Development | Skilling Workforce | Entrepreneurship | Hand holding | Incubation | Acceleration | Venture Development | Social Empowerment

A Two-Day Online Workshop - 2023
(June 30 – July 01, 2023)
‘Management Associates’ is incorporated as a company under the Company’s Act 2013, MCA, GoI. It is promoted by a pool of learned and experienced professionals from all over the country. Prime motive of ‘Management Associates’ is to motivate and facilitate professional skill force, budding entrepreneurs, institutes, skill development cell and incubation centres paving organic development.
Among many activities in the domain of ‘Innovations, Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Incubation and Venture Development’, Management Associates conducts various workshops, internships & short-term certificate courses for the students, aspirant and budding professionals, researchers, entrepreneurs to motivate them towards their successful professional journey, proving success stories, contributing entrepreneurial spawning, and ultimately converging benefits to the society.
As we know, technical documents take many forms depending on their purpose and the audience. A technical document can be a project proposal, minutes of a meeting, an advertisement in a newspaper, or even a research paper. A scientific document is a form of technical document where both the author and the audience are experts. The writing styles and the document density of technical documents depend on the nature of the document.
The objectives of the workshop are mentioned below on the line to professional train the participants in the art and science of writing a range of scientific and technical documents.
Objectives of the workshop:
Realize the need to articulate the purpose of the document, identify its audience, and decide the density of information to be included in scientific and technical documents.
Internalize the art and science of scientific and technical writing making appropriate use of crisp language, illustrations, and symbols.
Distinguish between bad and good writing. (Analyze and Evaluate)
Prepare a variety of scientific and technical documents (including laboratory and project reports) in an accurate, clear, concise, coherent, appropriate, and readable manner.
Students, Scholars, Faculty Members, Professionals, Aspirant Entrepreneurs, and others active in the ecosystem.
INR 499/- (to be paid by online through QR Code).
Major Contents of the workshop
Forms and features of creative, technical, scientific, and science writing; Audience types (general and specific experts, technicians, managers, laypersons, and mixed audience); Examples of documents for technical, professional, and scientific communications; Characteristics of effective technical writing: Accuracy, clarity, conciseness, coherence, appropriateness, and readability.
Revisiting English grammar; Punctuation (period, comma, colon, semicolon, question mark, exclamatory mark, apostrophe, quotation marks, hyphen, dash, parentheses, and brackets); Mechanics (capitalization, italics, abbreviations, acronyms); Latin terms used popularly in English texts; Informal and colloquial English; Dangling modifiers, Faulty parallelism, Judicious use of common words and phrases; Active and passive voice; Nominalization; Common English errors; Pitfalls in writing; Adapting texts to issues of gender, race, and ethnicity; and Guarding against Plagiarism. Paragraphing: Unity of idea, topic sentence, logical and verbal bridges through use of signposts, transitions, and link words; Patterns of development of an idea; and Lists.
Prefatory Materials: Title, Copyright Notice, Declaration and Certificates, Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgements and Conflict of Interest Statement, Symbols and Abbreviations, and Table of Contents.
Introductory Materials—Context, problem and current response, research questions, hypotheses, and objectives and scope; Literature Review—Presentation styles, citations and referencing systems, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing; Materials and Methods—Mathematical Materials: Methodology, methods, tools, and techniques; Quantitative, qualitative, experimental, and mixed methods; Numbers and numerals, engineering and scientific notations of numbers, mathematical operators, equations, flowcharts, algorithms, SI units, significant digits and order of magnitude, figures, tables, and photographs; Experimental apparatus, materials, specifications, measuring instruments, procedure, data analysis; Concluding Materials—Conclusions, implications, generalization, limitations, scope for further work, and contributions of the work.
Issuance of Certificates
Certificates will be issued to all the participants on July 01, 2023 (through online valediction event) after successful completion of the course.
Important Dates
Workshop Duration : June 30, 2023 – July 01, 2023
Registration (Last date) : June 28, 2023 (05.00 PM)
Issuance of Certificates : July 01, 2023 (06.30 PM)
​Registration for the participants
Registration Link:
For any queries a) Emailed at info.manasso@gmail.com or b) WhatsApp: +91 95604 97097