Management Associates
Soft-skills Development | Skilling Workforce | Entrepreneurship | Hand holding | Incubation | Acceleration | Venture Development | Social Empowerment

Management Associates of India
(a registered trust formed to work Pan India)
To support Sustainable Development Goals (set by UNDP)
Management Associates Private Limited has a separate wing,
Management Associates of India (a registered TRUST)
Objectives of the trust – Management Associates of India
To promote, provide, facilitate all kind of awareness, education, training, skill & entrepreneurship development, livelihood, handholding support, action and leadership at all levels such as primary to higher, technical, non-technical and professional.
To establish crèches, schools, colleges, training centres, development centre, skill and entrepreneurship development centre, e-cell (entrepreneurship cell), placement cell and business incubator, library, laboratories development centres both individual and/or in association with other parties.
To publish journals, magazines, periodicals, books and text materials related to data, information, knowledge and wisdom.
To organize conferences, seminars, workshops, compendium related to awareness, education, training like entrepreneurship development program, skill development program, management development program, faculty development program, staff development program, trainings to the trainers etc.
To promote and establish research and development work in all technical, behaviour, entrepreneurial, livelihood, welfare, societal, spiritual and in general domains.
To work for inclusive and sustainable development in all respect.
Educational help (such as education, training, distribution of books and stationary materials) to the poor, needy and physically disabled students and scholars.
To encourage and provide education, training and hand holding support for handicraft, craft, designing, fine arts.
To conduct different assessment tests among students and scholars of all standards.
To award scholarships, stipend, certificates, gifts and prizes.
To provide lodging (hotel) and boarding facility for the students, scholars and budding entrepreneurs.
To accept donation and contribution both movable and immovable for the development of the society.
To open various welfare centres for needy people.
To give, provide and/or render food, medicine, other necessary items and/or monetary support and other help and assistance for the relief of persons and animals affected by nature and other natural change & calamities.
To make members and/or give franchises to promote other objectives as mentioned above.