Management Associates
Soft-skills Development | Skilling Workforce | Entrepreneurship | Hand holding | Incubation | Acceleration | Venture Development | Social Empowerment

Organization's Leadership

Praveen Kapoor
Chief Operating Officer
+91 98 99 92 26 68

Arun Choudhary
Chief Technical Officer
+91 99 11 82 75 26

V K Arora
Chief Executive Officer
+91 98 11 59 30 59
Shri. Praveen Kapoor is a Mentor, Chairman, Startups Trainer and Learner in the domain of Entrepreneurship, Startups, Business Incubation, Acceleration and Development. He is backed by 30 years of experience across corporates and out of which he has 11 years of experience two different own ventures.
Currently He is associated with Management Associates Private Limited, as COO. He is also associated with several successful Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Incubation Centers, Investors, Institutes, Universities and Government Departments for Handholding & Advisory support. He is empaneled as resource person, expert member and advisor with numerous Committees Including the Confederation of Indian Industry CII.
He has vast experience of international client handling, startup / corporate trainings, staffing solution & business development and so on. He has a Bachelor degree in Commerce, The Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management, Three years Diploma in computers, Green Belt Six sigma, ISO, and Certification of “Entrepreneurship and New Venture creation” from IIM Kozhikode.
Shri. Arun Choudhary is qualification-wise B.E. followed by M.Tech. in Computer Science Engineering.
He is a Technocrat serving both Industry & Academia in the area of Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography and Network Security, Industrial Automation, Robotic Process Automation, Special Purpose Machine. He is also interested in "Research for deployable Solutions" and seeks Industrial problem in hand.
Believing on the fact that " Intelligence ruled and will rule. It is time for transferable Intelligence", he is continuously contributing for 'Assessment of various manufacturing processes, Plant layout, Low cost plant automation, Special purpose machine development, Low cost Robotic solution, Low cost live data collection from machine and maintenance of same on cloud and Consultation w.r.t ERP & CRM deployment'.
Dr. V K Arora is a technocrat, Bachelors in Engineering and Masters in Business with Ph. D. in Entrepreneurship. He is actively serving the Indian Entrepreneurial and Start-up ecosystem from last 20 years. He has conducted thousands of workshops, mentorship sessions, programs & courses (since 2002) in the domain of ‘Innovations, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Incubation and Venture Development’.
Dr. Arora is associated with several successful Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Incubation Centers, Investors, Institutes, Universities and Government Departments as Handholding & Advisory support. He is empaneled as resource person, expert member and advisor with numerous Committees and Consortiums.​ His job and work profile is dedicated towards women entrepreneurship and enlightenment. Presently he is associated with a leading incubation center (supported by various departments and ministries of Central & State Government and Corporate World) as ‘Chief Executive Officer’ from last seven years.